Virginie Broquet
« Nice : Clichés et Anecdotes »
Exposition de peintures du 14 mars au 6 avril 2009
Vernissage le 13 mars à partir de 18h30
Galerie Ferrero
2 et 6, rue du Congrès
06000 NICE
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Permanence : du mardi au samedi
de 14h30 à 18h30 et le matin sur rendez-vous.
Among the notions that may be use in art commentary, cliché and anecdote are diametrically opposed.
A cliché is a construction that belongs too much to everybody and not enough to one person in particular. An anecdote is a construction that belongs too much to one person in particular and not enough to everybody.
For instance, a cliché is when a landscape looks like an Air France poster. And an anecdote is when the only virtue of an object resides in the artist’s memory, of no interest to anybody else.
The grace of Virginie Broquet’s painting may be that it springs from both of these contradictory qualities at once.
People, objects, landscapes, house… here everything is at once anecdotal and stereotyped, experienced and televisual, mental and real – this is a way, of painting the truth of a city.