(L’estocaficada.) -

Preparation : 1 hour
Cooking time : 2 hours

Ingredients for 8 people :

1 kilo of stockfish. (If you have a good fishmonger, ask him to soak it for you 3 days in advance).
2 leeks100 grams of stockfish intestines.
150 grams of black olives
2 kilos of tomatoes.
4 salted anchovies
1 glass of branda
1 kilo of potatoes.
2 onions
2 red peppers.
2 cloves of garlic
1 hot pepper.
a third of a litre of oillaurel, parsley, thyme.

This dish belongs to the category as those which are better when reheated. I suggest therefore that you prepare it the previous day.
Remove the skin and the bones of the stockfish, soak it and break it into portions with the fingers.
Cut the intestines into lengths of 3 cms. Fry together the onion cut into large sections,the leek cut into slices,
the pepper in strips, the garlic, the herbs, the stockfish and the intestines, stirring all the while with a long wooden spoon.
Allow the lot to colour on a hot flame for 10 minutes and deglace it with a glass of branda,(a water glass of course, not a ridiculous little liquor glass!!)
Prior to this you should have put your tomatoes into a large saucepan of boiling water for 3 minutes in order to be able to peel them easier.xxxxxxxxxxxxxAdd them to the stockfish after they are peeled and cut into large pieces. Add salt, pepper and leave to cook an hour and a half, adding if necessary a little warm water during the course of cooking. Turn off the heat and allow to cool slowly without removing the lid. The next day (or that evening if you have prepared the dish that morning), repeat the cooking at low heat for half an hour.
Steam your potatoes in a pressure cooker for 8 minutes.
Pour the stockfish into a large cast-iron pot. If there is not enough sauce add a little water (there should be enough so that the potatoes can be crushed in the juice).
Add the olives and the anchovies which have been desalted and crushed with a little garlic and parsley.
Reheat another quarter of an hour or better, place your casserole in the oven at a low heat where it can be left for one or two hours while your guests arrive.
Don’t open the casserole until you have placed it on the table...... otherwise it will invade the whole room and give away the show to your friends ! Each one, according to his taste, can add a splash of olive oil to his estocaficada before eating it.
A strong flavour with great colours, this dish is difficult to find unless it is at those restaurants whose identity is reverently passed from mouth to mouth. I describe here the recipe which my grandfather used to make once a month in a bistrot in the rue Dante.
L’estocaficada also belongs to that category of dishes which are better reheated.


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