(Daurade farcie au fenouil sur son lit de pommes de terre et de tomates) - Lou tian de besùgou au fenoui.

Preparation : 20 minutes
Cooking time : 45 minutes

Ingredients for 2 people :

1 snapper about 1 kilo in weight 2 potatoes 1 nice tomato.
1 glass of white wine 1 onion, 1 lemon.
fennel, salt, pepperolive oil.

Your fishmonger should have cleaned and scaled the snapper; so all you have to do is to dry it and add salt and pepper on the two outsides and the interior. Stuff it with the fennel, either dry or fresh.
Find a gratin dish the same size as the fish and oil it, and place on the bottom the potatoes cut into slices of 2 to 3 mm Place on these the onion cut into very fine slices, add salt and pepper and then place the snapper on this comfortable bed.
Place slices of tomato all around the fish and on top of it alternately put slices of tomato and lemon. Pour a glass of dry (or even sweet) white wine, and cover abundantly with oil. Cook at 200 ° for 40 to 45 minutes and serve while stiil hot, placing on each dish the fillets of snapper and a spoonful of deliciously melting potatoes coloured by the tomatoes.
This dish goes very well with fondue de fenouils au citron and a very dry white wine or a cool rosé.
This recipe is an equally great success if the snapper is replaced by a bass or a john dory.


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