(La tourte de blettes) - La tourta de bléa

Preparation : 2 hours
Cooking time : 40 minutes

Ingredients for 8 people :

for the pastry :
300 grams of flour
125 grams of butter.
30 grams of sugar
1 egg.
One pinch of salt
1 soup spoon of olive oil.

for the filling :
1 nice bunch of swiss chard.
2 eggs.
3 dried figs
150 grams of brown sugar lumps, or if unavailable.
50 grams of crushed almonds powdered brown sugar.
5 centilitres of branda
2 soup spoons of olive oil.
6 nice ripe apples
100 grams of pine kernels.
50 grams of Malaga raisins
1 soup spoon of olive oil.
50 grams of Corinth soaked in rum.

Mix the flour, the sugar, and the salt in a terrine and then in the middle add the butter cut into small cubes, the egg and the olive oil. Mix this with your fingers for several minutes in order to obtain a smooth and homogeneous pastry which should be placed in a cool spot and covered with a towel. For this pie we will only use the green leaves, the white stems can be used to make an excellent salad. Roll the leaves into bundles 3 cms in diameter and cut them into thin strips about the width of a finger. Rince this in a bowl of cold water which is continually being replaced and continue to do this until the water is no longer tinted green. Sqeeze dry the strips and dry them between two towels.
In a terrine thoroughly mix the beaten eggs, the crushed almonds, the brown sugar, the branda, the two sorts of raisins, the figs cut into cubes,the olive oil and the pine kernels. While mixing this all together by hand - a task which can be assigned to the children - add the chard and a peeled apple that has been diced.
On the work bench which has been liberally covered with flour, flatten two thirds of the pastry with a roller
to cover a round surface of 35 cms diameter. Now place this inside your pie dish, with a small amount hanging over the edges. Peel the apples and cover the bottom of the dish with half of them cut into slices. Cover these with a good layer of your terrine as well as some of the juice at the bottom of the terrine, then add the remainder of the apple slices so that they are touching one another.
Now roll the last third of the pastry to the same size as the top of the pie dish and after having moistened the edges, place it on the filling and pinch the two portions together in order to obtain a good join. With the aid of a fork, pierce a few “chimneys” on the top.
Place this in the oven for about 45 minutes at 180 °C : the surface should reach a golden colour....
When taking it from the oven cover it generously with icing sugar and allow it to cool to room temperature before serving.

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