The Inhabitants of Nice often like evoking the role of the songs in carnivals, especially those that one hummed between both wars and which remained in the collective memory. It's all a " mixture " of songs which resounds in our heads. " Velou, velou, velou, it's Carneval! " " Petronille, queen of the courtship ", " Carnival is a millionaire ", " There's happiness! " " Bim, bam, bang! " Etc. The recollection of the song can not break up of that of the music, and will allow us to evoke the particular evolution of the music and the song in the Carnival of Nice, from its origins to our days.
(Theme of the music of darkness, strictly bound to the cycle of Carnival-Lent, in all the European carnivals, with a completely original connotation in county of Nice with the development of the grotesque brass bands in the sound of cougourdons (couassa)
At the end of the XlXth century, the transformation of the Carnival of Nice in a big parade of floats, cavalcades and masquerades leads to the appearance of floats of the music, followed at the beginning of the XX-th century by the creation of the competition of the official song of Carnival, then its decline in the sixties and the flourish which points on the horizon of the 90s.


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