In the XVIII-th century, the festival changes face in the town of Nice. The city grows in the South, the Villanova, and on the right bank of Paillon. The population increases. A social distance begins to rack itself among the privileged (nobility, bourgeoisie) and the other classes of the society. The " aristocratic festival " divides up, isolates itself in closed rooms, at the governor or the others considerable. It's the same in Italy where luxurious balls are given during the carnival, in Venice, in Naples, in Rome (Veglione, Dreads), and know the celebrity beyond the borders.
In this "contraction" of the aristocratic festival inside the city opposes, in opened sky, and in the inner suburbs of Nice, the rural and popular atmosphere of the " feasts of fast ". These feasts were organized from the first Sunday by fast, on every Sunday (until Easter), in a district of Nice.
During revolutionary period, civil holidays replaced the religious and popular holidays. However the holiday was celebrated in Nice, on January 9, 1794, to the announcement of the resumption of Toulon by Barras and Bonaparte gave place to festivities of a sometimes grotesque character.
And so on the place of the Republic (today Garibaldi) one attended a parade of allegorical floats and so a stake was raised to burn " vile flags of the allied peoples ".


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