(Les pêches farcies) - Lu pèssegue farcit

15 minutes
Cooking time : 30 to 40 minutes

Ingredients for 4 people :

6 really top quality ripe, firm, peaches.
Some dry buscuits : amaretti, tea buscuits,....
15 sweet almonds or wallnuts.

Preheat your oven to 150 degrees. Cut the peaches into halves horizontally and remove the stones. Place them in a pie dish which has been well smeared with butter and fill their centres with some almonds or wallnuts. Sprinkle them with the biscuits which have been broken into large pieces, not worrying if some pieces fall into the bottom of the dish. On each peach place a small knob of butter and then put the dish in an oven at low heat for at least 40 minutes : the peaches should have started to melt and their skins should shrivel...Five minutes before serving you can add an additional knob of butter, it will only improve them.


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