(Les poivrons grillés en salade) - L’ensalada de pebroun broustoulit

1/2 hour
Cooking time : 3/4 hour

Ingredients for 4 people :
Four really nice red peppers (or a mixture of red and yellow peppers)
One or two cloves of garlic
Pepper and salt
Olive oil and vinegar.

Wash the peppers under the tap and dry them. Place them for 3/4 hour in an oven at 175 °, or better still, on a wood fire where they will absorb the flavour from the wood. They will then be nicely cooked and easy to peel.
Let them cool down a little before attempting to peel them. Remove the stalk and all the little seeds inside.
Cut them into strips 3 to 5 centimetres wide and place them in a slightly hollow dish. Add pepper and salt and season with oil and vinegar and sprinkle them with coarsely chopped garlic.
This dish is delicious particularly when served with a small side-dish of anchovies in oil.


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