Designed by Niermans, one of his main luxury hotels, reminding several features of the Palace Hotel of Madrid, exactly contemporary. Inaugurated in January, 1913, registered in the Supplementary Inventory of Ancient monuments in 1975. It is the only luxury hotel of Nice from La Belle Époque having continuously worked since its opening. Its registration and its restoration marked the beginning of a return in favour of the1900 architecture, in a period of architectural destructive vandalism in Nice. The plan in rhombus with a central oval lounge, far from being classic, was skillful. Niermans realized there an original work as much in the program (new range of rooms of different ranks) as in the decoration, (the neo-Louis XVI eclectism preserving the wealthiness of the Second Empire).

Pinchon J.F. : Edouard Niermans, Ed. Mardaga, Liège 1991.

Michel STEVE


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