(Les gnocchis de pomme de terre) - Lu gnocchi

45 minutes
Cooking time : 2 to 3 minutes

Ingredients for 6 people :

1 kilo of old floury potatoes.
500 grams of flour.
1 or 2 eggs (depends upon the quality of the potatoes).

Boil and peel the potatoes and while they are still warm put them through the vegetable mill using a fine mesh.
Mix them by hand with the flour and the egg(s) until you obtain a nice smooth paste. Leave to rest half an hour.
From this ball of pasta remove small amounts and make little cylinders of about 1 cm diameter by rolling them in the palm of your hands. Cut these into lengths of 2 to 3 cms and use a fork to indent their sides and shape them. (See photo).
Now poach them in a large pot of salted water to which you have added a dash of oil.As soon as they reach the surface they are cooked and should be removed with a skimmer. Place them in the serving dish with one or two knobs of butter between each layer.
Add a few twists of pepper and parmesan before eating.
Gnocchi is the ideal accompaniment to a daube * and can also be served with a chicken cooked Nice style.
You can also serve it with small pieces of steamed brocolli
But the best of all is to use, in the month of february, a large black truffle cut into very thin slices, cooked for just a few seconds in butter, and served at the same time.


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