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(La daube à la niçoise) - La doba à la nissarda

Preparation : 45 minutes
Cooking time : 4 hours.

Ingredients for 10 people :

2 kilos of “butcher’s stewing steak”
200 grams of slightly fat salted pork.
4 onions, 2 carrots
a bunch of celery.
5 peeled tomatoes with the pips removed.
3 peeled cloves of garlic.
A packet of dried cepes
a bottle of red wine.
A liquor glass of “branda”
thyme, bay leaves, a clove.
salt, pepper, olive oil.

There are three secrets to obtaining a perfect daube :
The first I can’t explain, but it seems necessary to cook a large amount, at least a kilo and a half.
A reheated daube is always better, and with the third reheating one achieves a really fabulous result !
Mix different pieces to obtain the “ butcher’s steak” : I suggest you mix the neck,the chuck, and the flank.These are the cheapest and least tender pieces and produce the best results.
This combination will allow the juices to complement one another and provide also a perfect consistency.
Cut the meat into a dozen small cubes. Add pepper and salt. Put the pieces of meat to sizzle in olive oil at a high temperature in a large cast-iron saucepan The pieces must be sealed on each side.
After 5 minutes add the onion and garlic cut into quarters, the thyme, bay leaves, two cloves, the celery and the salted pork cut into largish pieces. Leave to brown for another 5 minutes and add the glass of branda. Keep on cooking until the complete evaporation of the alcohol. Then add the previously prepared tomatoes and the bottle of wine. As soon as the boiling has restarted check the seasoning for salt and pepper and leave it covered to cook for 3 to 4 hours at a very low heat. The succes of your daube is really determined by the slowness and the regularity of the simmering.
One hour before the end of the cooking time, check that it is not required to add a little water to the sauce and add the cepes which have been previously soaked in warm water and thoroughly washed to remove any dirt.
In order to succeed with this recipe, please follow the order in which it has been described.
Variations : You can place the meat to marinate the previous evening with the vegetables and the red wine.
Some people also add a slice of orange to this.
Personally I prefer to stick with the old-style recipe.
Fully enjoy the taste of this dish with fresh pasta or gnocchi The sauce is an ideal companion to ravioli.

La daube à la niçoise, used in the preparation of many stuffed dishes, can be consumed with great pleasure with fresh pasta.


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