Nice France CarnivalThe grotesque art inspired and tempted with more or less of originality, the artists painters and contemporary sculptors.
Chagall, Picasso, Matisse, handled the subject of the Carnival, under the shape of posters or lithographies, followed by Moretti, Arman, Caesar, Tobiasse, Martine Doytier.
In 1993, two artists of the School of Nice, Louis Cane and Ben, involve in the grotesque parade and sign each the conception of a float.
The meeting of Madam Europe and Ratapignata, will be no doubt an adventure rich and full of hope.

Louis Cane and the float of Europe
In 1993, Carnival will be Roy of Europe. The numerous Court and its merry subjects will evoke the various European countries. An elegant and spectacular way of celebrating the vocation of Nice, European metropolis.
The Events committee worried about innovation sponsored a ceremony specially conceived for that purpose: Masquerade, the scenography of which was entrusted to Michel Crespin La Mascarade " unique and multiple Europe " participates in the grotesque parade. It associates the big float articulated by Madam Carnival, Europe 93, conceived by Louis Cane. This big float is surrounded with twelve retorts of the same subject representing every country of the E.E. C.
120 young inhabitants of Nice will constitute the dynamic element of this Masquerade on a choreography of Artefact and an electronic original music, conceived by Martin Chevalier and Henri Manini and costumes by M.L. Poulain and l. L. Ardouin.

Ben and the Ratapignata
Ben drew his inspiration from the history of the Carnival of Nice and chose the fascinating subject of Ratapignata, fundamental in the Carnival of Nice.
Ben considers it as a symbol of " the defence of the culture of Nice " to which he wishes to add a modernity and a contemporaneousness (sic). For that purpose, the bottom - relief of the float consists of texts in language of Nice.
He chose to present a gigantic and nice Ratapignata, with a small naughty smile, and which spreads its big wings on the float on an original musical animation of Louis Pastorelli and the airsof rap of Nice (sic).
Big paper rolls will roll towards the public and will be transformed into balls of paper which " will allow battles of balls ".
The public will be particularly spoiled and privileged to be able to communicate with various conceptions of the festival.


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